We need your help!

Help update our can trailer inventory throughout South Carolina. This form requires photos and details regarding damage or maintenance needs for each can trailer. Photos can be taken in the form or uploaded.

Aluminum can recycling puts the ‘Can’ in Camp ‘Can’ Do

Many South Carolina fire departments and businesses participate in collecting and recycling aluminum cans for burned children. These red can trailers are used to collect aluminum cans throughout the state. Once a trailer is filled, it’s taken to a local recycler and weighed. The recycler determines the aluminum value per pound, multiplied by the weight of aluminum cans in the trailer, and pays that value to the South Carolina Burned Children’s Fund.

The aluminum can recycling program was started in 1996 and has remained a consistent fundraiser for the South Carolina Firefighters Burned Children’s Fund. This money goes to support the mission to provide South Carolina burned children with transformative experiences that build friendships, develop life skills, and foster a can-do attitude.

For questions regarding can trailers, contact Stephanie Julazadeh at sjulazadeh@scbcf.org, (843) 405-0246.

Where can I find a Burned Children’s Fund recycle trailer? . . . coming soon

Did you know . . .

34 aluminum cans = 1 pound

1 pound of aluminum = $0.44 (on average)

‘Can’ you help the SC Firefighters Burned Children’s Fund?

Are you interested in placing a can recycle trailer at your fire department or business to support the SC Firefighters Burned Children’s Fund?

Complete the info below and a Burned Children’s Fund representative will contact you.